It’s possible to zoom into the document while assisting and focus on the specific area that you want to assist. This is particularly helpful when reselecting information in documents that contain small or narrow text.
- you can zoom in and out in every document
- it’s possible to drag the document around on the canvas to focus on the desired section
- clicking on the percentage will adapt the document to the optimum size and alignment
On top of the new drag and zoom function, there are shortcuts enabled that allow you to quick & easy interact with this new feature in addition to the menu bar:
- Pressing/releasing the space bar enables/disables the dragging mode
- Zoom-in:
- Cmd (⌘) + '+' or
- Ctrl + '+'
- Zoom-out:
- Cmd (⌘) + '-' or
- Ctrl + '-'
- Fit the page:
- Cmd (⌘) + '0' or
- Ctrl + '0'
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