With Workist, you go through four phases to full automation:
Test phase
You start as a test customer - without any obligation. You contact us - we sign a non-disclosure agreement and you are almost ready to start. The whole process takes up to 2 weeks, but of course, you take all the time you need :).
Please provide us with the following data:
- Masterdata (client, article, address)
- 50-100 test documents (orders (pdf, e-mail-text.orders), order confirmation (pdf))
Read this article Required test data to get more information.
Once we have set up the Test Account, we will introduce you to the functions and impact results in a meeting and you will receive Log-In Data right after.
Implementation phase
We have convinced you! Now it's time for the implementation, during which we coordinate with your IT. This usually takes 1-2 weeks. After that, you can go live.
Assistance phase
The implementation is completed. You go live and your sales team can get started. We offer additional training and high-touch support for the next 4-6 weeks.
During this period, the users work intensively with our Workbench. Every document that you forward to your Workist Email is checked again by a clerk. Through the feedback (training of the AI) by the clerk, the AI continues to learn and special cases can be identified.
Important: During this period you will already benefit from our solution since only a few data points on each document have to be corrected and the documents are already digitally transferred to your ERP system by the clerk clicking on a button.
After a few weeks, you'll get an analysis from us that shows how much the AI has already learned in a short period of time and how much we can automate after the training period.
Automation phase
We've flipped the switch! The goal has been reached! The majority amount of documents are now being automatically forwarded into your ERP system. When the AI has confusion on some data points on some data points it will notify the clerk via e-mail.
Only in these assistance cases, the clerk works with the Workist Workbench to give feedback. This way, the AI is continuously getting better.
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